You Are You, That Is Truer Than True

Alright I told you all I wouldn't be cute little mommy blogger, but I figured since I'm still on a girls camp high & its a Sunday night might as well right? Okay here it goes. For years we are taught to believe that we are all special. Our mommies & daddies are always gently arguing with other mommies & daddies about who's kid is more talented or smarter or whatever you are. And our mommies & daddies were always convinced they were the right ones, without a doubt, every single time. Which is all fine & great until....1st grade where everyone's little brains start forming opinions & beliefs. Which, and I may or may not be speaking from personal experience here, is when you start getting into fights with the other kids & trying to prove to them that you actually are indeed, better than them. It's really one of the main struggles of first grade, along with all day school & your first real crush.

But the reality is that we aren't special. We're unique. We're a part of a uniquely designed plan that allows us to be unique. Special comes with the implication that you're better than the guy standing next you, which you'll never know to be true or false. Unique means that YOU are an individual with a personality designed specifically for YOU. YOU are in charge of how you use that uniqueness. Uniqueness? That's a word right? Google says yes so we'll say yes too. Anyways, your unique capabilities allow you to have a specific part in this plan. A "special" part if you will. And that's exactly why God put us on this earth, so that we could get our butts in gear & learn about our uniqueness.

Random Facts About Sara time: I LOVE President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. I love that man. Like if I ever got the opportunity to shake his hand I would probably cry. Like you know how when people meet their favorite celebrity & they cry? That would be me, meeting President Uchtdorf. He speaks & I'm seriously like " dude just @ me next time". That's how personal some of his talks have been for me. And in the talk he gave in October 2014, "Living the Gospel Joyful" he talks all about divinity & our duties as children of God, and our uniqueness, if I may say so. One of my absolute favorite lines from that talk is "He is not waiting to love you until you have overcome your weaknesses and bad habits. He loves you today with a full understanding of your struggles". God knows we aren't perfect. He made us, I think besides ourselves, He is the only one who knows where our deepest imperfections lie & how transparent our surface ones are. And He doesn't care. Why? He loves us anyways. Why? Because He made us like this so that we are able to return to him. He gave us enough to remind us how cool we actually are, but also gave us enough to bring us down from the cloud just a bit. And that's the best way any of us could have ever asked for, at least I know I've got no complaints.

Dr. Suess said, "Today You are You. That is Truer than True. There's no one in this world more youer than YOU." I strive on a daily basis to remind myself of that. That I am Me. I'm a girl named Sara who has a love for music & French fries. Who forgets to read her scriptures more often than she'll admit in seminary. Who loves her Savior as her best friend & can't wait to become a tool in His hands. A lot of weaknesses, but enough strengths to keep me from giving up & kicking the chair. I only want this for everyone, but I know not everyone can have it. But if I can do anything it's give my two cents. You are the most incredible you, that you could ever be. You know You better than anyone else. And You are His. Never forget who made you, well, YOU.

Much Love,
Sara Jean


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