'FALL'ing down & Trying Again
fall is all. No really I'm serious. Fall is all that matters to me. Why? Well first of all, my birthday is October 17th & for whatever reason, even when I thought (lol like it's past tense) I was too cool for everything, I still secretly loved my birthday. And it's especially lovely this year considering it's 18 YEARS BABY WOOT WOOT. But that aside, fall brings a lot of new beginnings. Beginning of school, beginning of relationships, beginning of everything. Football games, straw mazes, pumpkin spice (white girl up in here), FLANNELS GALORE. Practically everything about fall is perfect.
Now there is the exception to every rule, especially this one. Fall is the end of summer, when things are fun & easy & blissful. And warm. Very warm. Summer ends & you go back to school. Summer ends & so does that little thing you had going on with whatever their name is. It's gone. It's done. And that's hard. We as humans struggle sooooo much with letting things go. Especially when it's summer.
Another thing you lose when fall starts is your sunshine. Very rarely do we have a 80 degree day with 3 feet of leaves on the ground. But that's not the sunshine I'm talking about. I'm talking about SAD. Seasonal Affective Disorder. The disorder where the seasons affect your mood & how you function emotionally. Some SADs are severe & can affect you because you literally have no light in your life. But some are just, well, sad. Sad that outdoor activities are over. Sad that you don't see the sun anymore. Just sad.
But there is something to be said about this.
Being sad about summer being gone & being sad about all those memories that will eventually hurt or go away. That means that you loved. You lived. You let your life happen. Summer is all about memories like night swimming, or going to McDonalds at 3 am or FaceTiming until the sun comes up. Those memories mean something. But again. Fall.
Fall means starting over. Summer was good & great & fine & dandy, but now you get a second chance. You get a chance for someone that didn't know you existed until last week. Or someone that can be your brand new best friend. You get to try again. I love that option on any video game because 1. I suck at every game EXCEPT FOR MARIO CART & 2. It's nice to know you get a second chance to do something different.
Try again. Do it differently. Make a different decision. Maybe it will be right & maybe it won't. It's all up to your choices. Remember it's all about learning so if it's not right the first time, Try again. There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to try it differently. Maybe it's going to end in rejection or sadness, maybe it's going to end in happiness & acceptance. No matter what it ends in, always remember to check it & try again. I promise, from first hand experience, it never hurts to try. Try to make a new friend, try to be kinder to those around you, try to give love a chance. Just try & try again.
Much Love,
Sara Jean
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