this crazy crazy life

this last week was beyond interesting. you know those days where you just think to yourself "OH MY GOSH WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED". yep that was my entire week. it started off normal and then just went on a rollercoaster ride from hell from that point on. and it didn't end. i am EXHAUSTED. but this week taught me a lot of really good lessons. so here it is. my week in summary:

1.  if you get the chance to go on a spontaneous adventure to the sketchy part of town during the day, take it. you'll make memories like you wouldn't imagine and you'll find some hidden gems. 

2. take lots of pictures. because one day you'll look back and realize that in the moment, you were happy and enjoying life and nothing else mattered.

3. if you've been waiting to kiss that the cute guy in your class or at work or that you see everyday at McDonalds and are too scared to talk to, DON'T LET THE OPPORTUNITY PASS BY. because even if it doesn't work out like you want it to, its still something that will matter to you. and its a memory that is unforgettable, good or bad.

4. go for drives. because believe it or not, you might find that you really enjoy driving by yourself or you'll start finding really great music or you'll get some time to think. you can learn a lot about yourself when its just you and your thoughts in a closed top vehicle. or maybe you'll drive with people you love and end up having a really great time spending time with positive influences.

5. be overzealous. if that's your style, OWN IT. i have always been the loudest one, and i accept it. just means you can't ignore me. tell the story of the horrific traffic as if there is 2.3 million cars in your small town of, i don't know, 25,000 people. my point is, be extra.

6. make memories. i cannot stress this one enough. there will be inside jokes and funny "you had to be there" moments that only you and 5 other people will ever understand (cantry people where u at?). you cannot expect the small and insignificant things that happen at 12:00am at a Dennys. you cannot expect to run your passenger mirror into a sign at sonic. you cannot anticipate starbucks messing up your caramel frappe and giving you coffee instead (God knows my intentions alright?). you cannot anticipate that which is the "unknown inevitable". so be unafraid to run wild and make those unanticipated moves.

7. understand that things happen for a reason. i cannot stress this enough, as i've struggled with this one a lot recently. i know things happen because there's plot twists in every story. it's how we deal with it that affects the rest of our own story.

8. live for the present, not for the future. this one has struck me a lot the last few weeks, with a lot of lasts coming my way. but instead of living for what's coming, live for what's happening now. in a book my mom shared with me, there's a quote that i love that says " Everyday life is filled with mystery. The things we know are only a small part of the things we cannot know but can only glimpse. Yet even the smallest of glimpses can sustain us." we are to live for what's happening now, so that we don't miss out on those opportunities that could impact our future without even realizing it.

so there it is. all the lessons i learned in one week of my life. was it rough? that's an understatement. was it all worth it though? more than i could even explain. i'm glad i had this kind of week so that i can appreciate the good times and laugh during the stupid ones, and never forget the ones that broke me. hope you enjoyed this, maybe it helped, maybe it didn't. all i know is it was one he*k of a week and i'm glad i get a clean slate starting tomorrow. tomorrow is always a clean slate, remember that.

Much Love,
Sara Jean


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